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Listen in as Allison Breininger and Justin Bajema, millennial caregivers for their chronically ill spouses, speak honestly about what life is like when there are more days spent in sickness than in health.

Apr 18, 2023

Caregiving can impact our friendships in a variety of ways. Some friends disappear. Others stick around, but disappoint. Others we find and connect with because of our caregiving role. Listen in as Allison and Justin dig into these different types of relationships.

Apr 4, 2023

One of the few things we can count on in this life is death and yet our culture is not good at talking about or preparing us for it. In this episode, Justin and Allison speak with Jane Whitlock, an end of life doula and former spousal caregiver, about her role, the stages of death, and the questions we can start asking...